Nailed It!
It's Fall! Which makes me really I mean REALLY happy! So happy, that I have to use bold and italics and underline and CAPS!
Whenever this wonderful season comes around I for some reason become obsessed with nail and lipstick colors. Don't get me wrong, I love bright corals and fresh pinks, but there is just something about rich Burgundy's and warm browns that just tip me overboard! That being said, I have a nail tutorial that not only will get this hands pampered, but will also leave you ready for Fall! So light your Salt City Autumn Cottage candle, turn on New England Sunrise, grab your favorite hot tea or cider, and let's get cuddly!
Things you'll need:
Hand towel
Nail file (optional: one for filing nails down and one to get rid of ridges)
Nail polish remover (if you have your nails already painted)
Cotton swabs and pads
Orange stick
Small bowl
Nail brush
Honey (It exfoliates off the dead skin)
Base coat
Top coat
Polish color of your choice (I prefer deeper and richer colors)
Nail oil
Rubbing Alcohol
Prep: Make sure all polish is off your nails and well taking off any jewelry that could get damaged by the remover. (I kept my rings on because I didn't use remover.)
Step 1) Trim nails with clippers
Step 2) File nails. Popular shapes right now are square and pointed oval. I prefer to stick with the classic shape of square with rounded edges. Make sure you only go one direction will filing your nails. NEVER go backwards and forwards in a "sawing" motion. This will cause your nails to become fragile and more likely to tear.
Step 3) Put about 1 tsp of honey in the bowl and add warm water to dissolve the honey. Place hands in the honey and water mixture and let sit for 5-10 minutes. (This is wear I try and relax! Sit back and just enjoy not having to do anything while your hands are soaking.)
Step 4) Take your hands out of the water and pat them dry on a hand towel. Then, push your cuticles back/nip them off with clippers. Make sure and do this when your finger and nails are soft from the water. Clipping them dry could lead to torn and irritated skin. Then, pat them dry with the hand towel.
Step 5) This would be the time to put lotion on, nail oil, ect.
Step 6)Take a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol and wipe each nail off (this is important if you want your nail polish to last long and keep from chipping)
7) Paint a thin layer of base coat
8) Paint your nails with a thin layer of polish (don't ever glob your your nail polish on! It will lead to chipping, and it just ends up looking like your junior high babysitters did when you were five). Start at the base of your nail and go down the middle, and then two sides.
9)Wait fifteen seconds and paint a second thin layer of polish (some shades need three coats. Judge for yourself if you need another layer to make it opaque.)
10) Wait fifteen seconds and paint your nails with a fast drying top coat.
11) Immediately stick your hands in a ice water bath. It hurts really bad, but it's worth it! It will seal in your polish, make it last longer, and gets rid of extra polish around your fingers. You can also put Vaseline or Aquaphor around each nail, but this is too time consuming for me, and it just led to me getting it everywhere!
12) After about thirty seconds, remove your nails from the ice bath and let them air dry.
And you're done! You can add nail oil every day and reply a top coat every other day for a manicure that should last about 5-10 days, depending on your nails.
1) Drink water! It makes your hair, skin, and nails healthy!
2) Take daily vitamins, this keeps your body healthy and strong.
3) Take 5,000-10,000 mcg (not to be confused with mg) of biotin a day. This promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails. Some have reported it makes you break out, but I have severe acne and haven't seen any negative changes or effects since taking it three months ago.
4) Take Omega 3 pills or eat a lot of fish and eggs!
I hope this tutorial has inspired you, and helped you get into the Fall season! If it didn't, don't worry! I have a few other fun Fall posts planned that are sure to get you in the spirit! Don't forget to subscribe and let me know in the comments if there is anything you would like to see me review or give a tutorial on!
Side Note: I do a lot of side note's huh? ;) Anyway, when I was doing this tutorial, I realized that some of you might be wondering what to do if you have Club Thumb. Well, I can help you out there, because yes, I have Club Thumb, on both of my hands. Club Thumb (pictured below) is a genetic disorder that happens when your thumbs are stunted and grow shorter and stubbier than the average thumb. Some refer to this as "Toe Thumb"...I despise when people call it that. Not only is it embarrassing, it's hurtful and mean. But back to how to shape that lovely square thumb! I find that a lot of people with Club Thumb try to over compensate and shape their nail rounded, but this actually makes your thumb look bulbous and sometimes even stubbier. Instead, shape it as naturally as you can. I keep it square, short, and with soft rounded edges. This seems to draw the least amount of attention to my thumb. I hope this little note helped you out, and remember, embrace your Club Thumb! God made it that way for a reason! :)